The sugar industry just got a sweet deal from the Army Corps while leaving communities on Florida’s east and west coasts at severe risk of toxic discharges.
By making changes to the management of Lake Okeechobee in the dry season, the Army Corps can ensure the Everglades has the water it needs and minimize harmful wet season releases to the estuaries also.
Speaker Pelosi and President Biden are hell bent on using this pandemic to expand their own power at the expense of the freedom of the citizens they are supposed to represent.
More than two decades after its groundbreaking, the Kissimmee River Restoration Project is finally complete.
The reality is that every time the federal government spends a dollar more than it has, they’re putting it on your tab, and when it comes time for collection, if you’re not around, they’ll take it from your kids.
In addition to announcing that Americans visiting the Capitol will be required to wear masks indoors even if they are fully vaccinated, Capitol Police have been instructed to arrest any visitor that refuses to comply!
Unfortunately, there are local politicians who would rather assign blame to “leaky boats” than admit the truth: that their special interest backers are polluting Lake Okeechobee.
It’s disappointing that repeated efforts to get the necessary resources for this program have been blocked by Democrats in Congress and the Administration.
Manatees are the victims of decades of mismanagement of Florida’s waterways, and we should use every tool at our disposal to protect them.
Today, I offered an amendment to the Energy and Water appropriations bill to increase funding for the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration to $725 million.