For the sacrifice these servicemembers made, I believe our government must treat the heroes with the utmost respect.
Florida’s taxpayers funded this project so we are entitled to know how our money spent on the repairs is benefiting us.
The Army Corps wants you to believe that discharges from Lake Okeechobee are unavoidable. I call BS.
Great men like him inspire me everyday, and I am honored I was able to play my part in his dedication.
I will continue to call the Biden Administration out for its foolish decisions that are based on NO objective, NO assessment and NO logic.
Americans are suffering from Biden’s weak foreign policy that consistently puts his own political security over national security.
The United States government should work for your best interests. Sadly, this week, a whole lot of federal bureaucrats decided they know better than you do.
When you pay taxes, you should be able to confidently say that those dollars are being used for your benefit by your government!