Dec 28 2023
Year In Review: 2023 || Keep It Moving-1
Whether it’s getting the supplies we need for our families or how we move from Point A to Point B, infrastructure impacts every aspect of our lives.
Dec 27 2023
Year In Review: 2023 || Protect & Defend-1
2023 began with a Chinese spy balloon floating across the continental United States, and it ended with Israel locked in a battle to destroy Hamas terrorists following the despicable and subhuman attacks of October 7.
Dec 26 2023
Year In Review: 2023 || Here To Serve-1
This year, my team and I answered more than 130,000 calls, emails, and letters about the issues before Congress, and we assisted almost 2,000 people who were having an issue with the federal government.
Dec 25 2023
Reflecting on Our Blessings This Christmas-1

Let me be one of the first to wish you and your family a merry Christmas!

Today is a day to reflect on the wonderful gifts we’ve been blessed with: first and foremost, I am grateful for my beautiful wife, Brianna, and four rambunctious children; Magnum, Maverick, Madelyn, and Major.  I am also incredibly grateful to live in the greatest nation on earth and to have the opportunity to represent our community in Washington, D.C.  It is truly a gift to wake up every day under fifty stars and thirteen red-and-white stripes and to be able to serve you!

I hope that you celebrate today with the people you love and that you are able to take a moment to reflect on the gifts in your life.  Merry Christmas!

Dec 21 2023
ICYMI: We Have to Take China Seriously-1
Whether it’s the spy balloon that was built with American parts, or the CCP’s newest missile, keeping tech away from China is truly a matter of national security.
Dec 15 2023
We Won't Ignore Antisemitism-1
As your Representative, I’ll continue to fight against antisemitism and to ensure that freedom of religion is preserved for all Americans.
Dec 14 2023
Passed: Legislation to Support Preemies-1
More than 383,000 babies are born preterm, or before 37 weeks, putting them at increased risk of health complications and long hospital stays.