The sugar industry truly will stop at nothing to derail Everglades restoration and hoard Florida’s natural resources to line their own pockets.
The lesson here should’ve been that handing over billions of dollars to our enemy will only strengthen them and put our allies in harm's way.
Florida’s wildlife is a huge part of what makes our state unique and it’s absolutely worth protecting.
There was no strategy then, just like there was no strategy in publicly announcing an unconditional withdrawal, and withdrawal date, roughly five months in advance.
That’s why I fight every single day to make sure that toxic, blue-green sludge isn’t sent into our estuaries.
America’s foreign policy should be about advancing America’s best interest. Sending tens of billions of dollars to a terrorist organization is doing the exact opposite.
My colleagues on the other side of the aisle actually took issue with me questioning the talking points of a designated terrorist organization and offered a resolution to censure me.
It’s a day we pause our lives to thank veterans - for the time away from home and family, for sacrificing birthdays and anniversaries and for their willingness to give their last breaths - all for our freedom.