If one thing has become clear in the last six months, it’s that for Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, COVID-19 isn’t about the science, it’s about control.
Instead of doing the work it is supposed to do, Speaker Pelosi and her Democrat colleagues kicked the can down the road.
Weaning myself off of opioids was the hardest thing I had to do during my recovery. That’s why I’m committed to combating the opioid epidemic in this country.
From my 12 years in the Army to now, I’ve dedicated my career to saving lives. I know what it is like to protect a life, to take a life and to see a life lost.
The Employee Privacy Act will prohibit bosses from asking a worker about their vaccination status, and it will impose a $5,000 fine on any company that discriminates against an unvaccinated employee.
Every parent has the right to make decisions about their child’s education. Recent attempts by the left and their partners in the teachers’ unions to take that right away have left me disgusted as both a father and a lawmaker.
The broken supply chain means that millions of Americans are stuck in limbo waiting for the goods they’ve purchased and that there are rows of empty shelves at stores across the country.
The small businesses in every community are the backbone of our nation’s economy. That’s why I voted in favor of the bipartisan Investing in Main Street Act of 2021.
In case you missed it, we had a win in our fight for clean water last week. After 14 years, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finally completed construction of the C-44 Reservoir in Martin County.
Allowing freer travel between the U.S. and Israel is a no-brainer: it boosts the tourism industry and local economy, benefits our national defense, and shows our commitment to the shared values of our countries.