Jul 12 2023
We Need LOSOM-1
There is disgusting, bright green, toxic algae covering huge swaths of the lake, and the only goal is to try and keep that sludge out of our estuaries.
Jul 06 2023
They Can't Hide From The Truth-1
We’re learning that the most likely Patient Zero of COVID-19 was a Wuhan animal scientist receiving funding from Fauci’s NIAID and USAID for gain-of-function experiments on bat coronaviruses.
Jul 04 2023
Let's Not Take Freedom For Granted-1
The Founding Fathers declared that all men are created equal, and that government derived its power from the consent of the governed.
Jun 28 2023
Moving Forward on the EAA Reservoir-1
While it’s not the full amount needed, it’s more than has been allocated for the project in previous years. It’s also $10 million more than President Biden requested for SFER.