As the 118th Congress begins, the House of Representatives will finally live up to its name, the People’s House.
We’ll have the opportunity to pass better, stronger legislation that will correct course after two years of the Biden Administration.
Last month, Congress passed a bipartisan bill I wrote to posthumously award these four Americans the Congressional Gold Medal.
I’ll continue fighting for veterans in Congress with the same commitment that they showed when they fought for our nation on the battlefield.
We showed up in full force to make sure the Coast Guard understands that water is a way of life for us.
For two years, we’ve seen President Joe Biden make mistake after mistake on the international stage.
I’m excited by what we’ve accomplished this year, and ready to get back in the fight in the new Congress!
I’m grateful for every opportunity to hear your perspective because it’s absolutely crucial to my work in Washington.
If a Member of Congress tells you that they read the $1.7 trillion package the Congress passed cover to cover, they are lying.
This bill is a slap in the face to everyone who goes to work in the morning and earns a paycheck. Here’s why I voted no on this absurd omnibus bill.