Sep 09 2020
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Florida has just been approved to participate in the Federal Lost Wages Assistance Program, which will provide additional benefits to those currently receiving unemployment assistance. Click here to learn more and find out if you’re eligible:
Sep 03 2020
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Florida’s waterways are a natural treasure, and I will never stop fighting for what is right and necessary to defend our environment. That’s why I cosponsored half a dozen bills this week aimed at protecting our water and air.
Aug 25 2020
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China’s total lack of transparency and mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, millions of jobs and left untold economic destruction. We must hold China’s communist government accountable!
Aug 20 2020
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Congress has authorized nearly $6 billion on infrastructure projects to restore the Everglades by moving water south, but special interest lobbyists are now hard at work to stop the water from ever getting there. Our latest #LakeOFactCheck explores why:
Jul 22 2020
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Congress just passed the bipartisan Great American Outdoors Act to support our national parks – including the Everglades – and make funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) permanent. Learn more here!