Oct 25 2021
Demanding Transparency-1
It’s clear that the Biden Administration does not care about transparency and is determined to avoid any responsibility for their policies. But I’m determined to hold them accountable. That’s why I cosponsored the Transparency in Migration Act.
Oct 21 2021
The Jobs Cuts And Taxes Act-1
I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard the Biden Administration claim that their $3.5 trillion boondoggle actually costs $0.
Oct 19 2021
A 'Thank You' to All Who Served-1
Veterans should be able to enjoy the monuments created in their honor, which is why I was proud to vote in favor of the Free Veterans from Fees Act.
Oct 18 2021
Get Big Government Out of the Way-1
Joe Biden’s policies are punishing consumers at every turn, instead of focusing on the actual infrastructure problems facing everyday Americans.
Oct 12 2021
Congress Needs to Get Serious-1
Congress needs to get serious about addressing its out-of-control spending. That’s why I voted against the debt ceiling increase and instead proposed legislation that would reduce federal spending by $480 billion.