Nov 08 2017
15 Bills To Support Veterans Pass House-1
Sadly, as a veteran myself, I’ve seen firsthand how often the government fails our veterans. We can and must do better. This week, in honor of Veteran’s Day, the House passed 15 bills that will honor our veterans while improving care for them and their families.
Sep 11 2017
Hurricane Irma Resources-1
While the full extent of the damage is still being assessed, I want to provide you with resources that may be helpful as our community begins recovery efforts.
Sep 06 2017
New Amendments to Combat Harmful Algal Blooms-1
When the House passed my amendments in July to add more than $1 million in funding to combat harmful algal blooms, I promised that I’d keep fighting for more. That’s why as Congress continues to consider government funding bills, I’m offering more amendments to address this crisis and it’s dangerous health impacts.