Do you remember when President Biden said, “under my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes”?
Sitting across from China where little freedom is found, Taiwan has faced lots of pressure from the Goliath of the Chinese Communist Party in the mainland.
If you wake up in the United States of America, underneath 50 stars and 13 red and white stripes, you have the freedom to decide that today will be better than yesterday.
If getting rid of government restrictions on telehealth worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, I don’t see any reason to force senior citizens to travel miles to receive care again.
They are a very real threat to public health and the environment. It’s a threat that our community has too much experience with.
Democrats in D.C. show how out-of-step they are with the American people by pushing for unlimited abortion on demand.
From the Federal Reserve’s announcement of another interest rate hike to the GDP report that confirmed our economy is in a recession, there’s a lot of numbers being thrown around.